Florian Mötz, MSc.
Academic career
- 2018 - 2021:
- Master's degree program Software Engineering at FH Technikum Wien (University of Applied Sciences), Master Of Science in Engineering January 2021
- 2016 - 2018:
- Bachelor Degree Program Computer Science at FH Technikum Wien (University of Applied Sciences), Bachelor Of Science in Engineering June 2018
- 2011 - 2016:
- HTL Hollabrunn (Higher Technical College of Electronics and Technical Computer Sciences / Informatics)
- 2007 - 2011
- KLG Gänserndorf (Grammar School)
- 2016 - present:
- Android Developer at DIAMIR
- Working on several Austrian News Apps
- Developing health-insurance applications in various frameworks
- Developing libraries for generic communication over BLE and WI-FI, depending on the current use-case and seamless switching between the transport types
- Integrating real-time RTSP video streams on local networks in applications
- Working in agile as well as non-agile setups, SCRUM, SAFE, Kanban
- Android Developer at DIAMIR
- 2023 - present
- Self-employed software developer
- Developing and maintaining tools for (twitch) creators
- Developing quiz show overlays / systems for live streams
- Self-employed software developer